Our primary focus is to increase the awareness of higher educational resources in the Central Florida Area.
We do this by coming together at your location and providing an Education Fair or Education Exposition. 
We use both terms interchangeably as according to the American Heritage Dictionary (n.d.), a fair is “a gathering held at a specific time and place intended to inform people about a product or opportunity” and an exposition “provides background information in a public exhibition or show.” 

Of course it is important to be at a specific
place and time, but it is also just as important to be able to provide information regarding relevant degrees, learning modalities, and financial aid opportunities, before one makes a commitment to education.

About Us

Knowledge Base:

The Best Representatives from CFHEA member schools to meet with you! Why spend hours searching the Internet for information about the best educational opportunities in Central Florida when you could be speaking to live individual representatives from over 10 colleges and universities at one of our events?

​CFHEA is comprised of accredited colleges and universities working in partnership with each other, and with corporations and community organizations to provide educational opportunities and resources to the Central Florida community.